doom death metal
Albums scraped2021-12-07T03:35:44.843Z
Last updated2021-12-13T14:27:38.136Z
Released at
63Edge of Sanity - Kur-Nu-Gi-A1990
78Tiamat - Clouds1992-09-01
37Prophecy of Doom - Matrix1992
73Cemetary - Godless Beauty1993-10-19
46Decomposed - Hope Finally Died...1993
49Rippikoulu - Musta Seremonia1993
62Decomposed - Hope Finally Died1993
91Unholy - From the Shadows1993
65Cremation - Hail The Rise Of Med Pe Gal1994
70Novembers Doom - Amid Its Hallowed Mirth1995-02-10
28Dusk - ...Majestic Thou In ruin1995
48Etherial Winds - Find The Way... Together1995
72Godgory - Sea Of Dreams1995
83Wretched - Center Of The Universe1995
88Ceremonium - Into the Autumn Shade1995
97Darkstyle - Cold Charisma1995
98Grimegod - Under the Sad and Silent Sky1995
75Godgory - Shadow's Dance1996-11-22
86Godgory - Shadows Dance1996
13Novembers Doom - For Every Leaf That Falls1997
22On Thorns I Lay - Orama1997
80Godgory - Resurrection1999-05-10
95Novembers Doom - Of Sculptured Ivy And Stone Flowers1999-05-25
5Winter - Into Darkness / Eternal Frost1999-10-25
25Orphaned Land - The Beloved's Cry1999
74Necare - Ophelia1999
79Mental Home - Upon the Shores of Inner Seas2000-04
41Novembers Doom - The Knowing2000-11
33Earth - Star Condemn'd2000
15Godgory - Way Beyond2001-08-20
30Екклесиаст - ...Когда мёртвые ветви воспрянут от снов2001
24Dusk - Mourning... Resurrect2002
51Necare - Appassionata: Into the Vale of Rest2002
90Dusk - To Find New Darkness / The Slumber2002
8Swallow the Sun - Out of This Gloomy Light2003
99Tanakh - Chameleonic2004-01-28
34Aphotic - Stillness Grows2004-06
35ThanatoSchizO - Turbulence2004-07-19
20Ophis - Nostrae Mortis Signaculum2004-12-06
47Inter Arbores - Autumno Ineute2004
69Mourning Beloveth - A Murderous Circus2005-03-29
84Mourning Beloveth - Murderous Circus2005-03-29
32Lapsus Dei - Beyond the Truth2005
54Mythological Cold Towers - Remoti Meridiani Hymni2005
66Daylight Dies - Live From the Relapse Contamination Festival2005
76Another Messiah - Dark dreams, my child2005
26Indesinence - Neptunian2006-01
11Distorted - Memorial2006-03-13
59Swallow the Sun - Hope2007-02-07
93Crematory - Pray2008-02-01
45Mourning Beloveth - A Disease for the Ages2008-05-13
58Acid Witch - Witchtanic Hellucinations2008-10-24
94Lamented Despondency - Ornaments of Death2008
16Desire - Crowcifix2009-04-06
42Katatonia - Jhva Elohim Meth... The Revival (EP)2010-01-25
81My Silent Wake The Drowning - Black Lights & Silent Roads2010-07-05
17A Dream of Poe - The Mirror of Deliverance2011-02-25
12Ixion - To the Void2011-02-28
31As Autumn Calls - An Autumn Departure2011-03-20
7Loss - Despond2011-05-31
38In Loving Memory - Negation of Life2011-11-21
29Intra Spelaeum - Intra Spelaeum2011
53Soliloquium - A Night of Burdens2011
4Anhedonist - Netherwards2012-05-10
1Daylight Dies - A Frail Becoming2012-10-09
9Kuolemanlaakso - Uljas uusi maailma2012-11-23
55Somnus Aeternus - On the Shores of Oblivion2012
60Mörkhimmel - Zloskřivec2012
64Placid Art - Rainbow Destruction Process2012
52Victims of Creation - Symmetry of Our Plagued Existence2013-04-26
71Sleepwalkers - Hollowpath2013-05-15
21Grey - Sisters of the Wyrd2013-06-19
43Uncoffined - Ritual Death and Funeral Rites2013-10-09
50Lurk - Kaldera2014-01-24
82Arms of the Abyss - The Great Dying2014-06-16
39Plateau Sigma - The True Shape of Eskatos2014-09-29
68Apostate - Time of Terror2015-03-02
23Dusk - Mourning...Resurrect2015-03-09
92Contempty - Trauma2015-05-30
100Paradise Lost - The Plague Within2015-06-01
40Swallow the Sun - Songs from the North I, II & III2015-11-13
14Dusk - Majestic Thou in Ruin2015
44Soliloquium - Absence2016
89Katatonia - For Funerals To Come... (EP)2016
87Muka - Sveta Stoka2017-03-07
57Calliophis - Cor Serpentis2017-03-27
19Novembers Doom - Hamartia2017-04-14
56Martyrdoom - Grievous Psychosis2017-04-27
96Sepulchral Whore - Everlasting Morbid Delights2017-07-15
2Hallatar - No Stars Upon The Bridge2017-10-20
36Druid Lord - Grotesque Offerings2017-12-01
27Hamferð - Támsins Likam2018-01-12
61Ekpyrosis - Primordial Chaos Restored2018-05-07
18Vanha - Melancholia2018-12-28
10Ocean of Grief - Nightfall's Lament2018
67Lair of the Minotaur - Dragon Eagle of Chaos2018
85Diabolic Oath - MMXVIII2018
3Swallow the Sun - When A Shadow Is Forced Into The Light2019-01-25
6Novembers Doom - Nephilim Grove2019-11-01
77Soliloquium - Things We Leave Behind2020-03-16